Setting Up Webhooks with ComfyDeploy
Enhance your application with real-time updates using ComfyDeploy's webhook support
By ComfyDeploy
We have recently added webhook support.
When you create a run, you can also pass in a webhook endpoint to receive the callback.
export async function generate(prompt: string) {
const headersList = headers();
const host = headersList.get("host") || "";
const protocol = headersList.get("x-forwarded-proto") || "";
const endpoint = ${protocol}://${host}
return await{
deployment_id: process.env.COMFY_DEPLOYMENT_ID!,
inputs: {
"positive_prompt": prompt
webhook: `${endpoint}/api/webhook`
For the webhook route, here’s an example.
import { parseWebhookDataSafe } from "comfydeploy"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
export async function POST(request: Request) {
const [_data, error] = await parseWebhookDataSafe(request);
if (!_data || error) return error;
const { status, run_id, outputs } = _data;
// Do your things
console.log(status, run_id, outputs);
return NextResponse.json({ message: "success" }, { status: 200 });
p.s. You might want to keep track of some extra metadata for the run, you can also do so with query pararms
webhook: ${endpoint}/api/webhook?userId=b190ce97-d7ae-40fa-948c-79304ae7ac9b
And here’s how to get it back.
export async function POST(request: Request) {
const [_data, error] = await parseWebhookDataSafe(request);
if (!_data || error) return error;
const { status, run_id, outputs } = _data;
const url = new URL(request.url);
const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams);
const userId = queryParams["userId"]
// Do your things
console.log(status, run_id, outputs);
return NextResponse.json({ message: "success" }, { status: 200 });