Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-Markmap works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-Markmap?

A ComfyUI custom node for creating mindmaps from markdown

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-Markmap and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


A ComfyUI custom node for creating mindmaps from markdown 1736024298425 这是一个示例 只要输入符合格式的markdown文本,这个插件可以帮助你直接输出一个思维导图的html文件 html文件保存的路径为/root/ComfyUI/output/markmap/mindmap.html